Less than two weeks to TPC

Man, it creeps up, doesn't it?  Moving right along from Christmas to New Year's Eve and BANG! it's TPC time again!!!  I often joke that Tacos on Twelve has ruined one of my favorite weeks of the year, but in actuality, being out there all week is an amazing experience.  The move to March has it's challenges.  We went 5 years without any significant weather events.  Maybe a delay in 2014, but we still finished late on Sunday.  2019 was an incredible week, weather-wise, until Sunday where it got a little too cool, for most people, and a little too breezy.  Just enough to make people say, "Uh, no. I'll watch this from my sofa, on my 70 inch tv."

first site visit 2020

dream team

Fingers crossed for the weather this year!!  Could be perfect; could be a nightmare!!  We will be there, regardless!!

Roger looks good in Pink!

All Tacos on Twelve merchandise is in stock!!  T- shirts, hoodies, cups, hats... all of it is in stock so you can get geared up with us!!

Come see us behind 12 green from March 10-16 at The Players Championship!!